Detox Foot Soak

 In Health


Pamper your feet💛

Get some “Soul therapy” ….
It’s a wonderful way to relax you if you are stressed, sleep deprived or if you simply need to chill and soothe achey feet. Our feet often hold more stress then we realise… Our feet carry us through life, they are a hard working part of our body. Whether we are walking, chasing our children, standing all day, wearing high heels, cooking, doing Yoga or any other daily activity, our feet take a beating!
So relaxing your feet is a great way to help relax the whole body too.

I’ve made this Detox Foot Soak that will soothe puffed, achey feet, draw out toxins in the body and create a total sense of calm and relaxation that can help you settle into a restful sleep…Which was one of my main reasons for creating a foot ritual! Having researched the Benifits foot therapy can have with sleep deprivation and exhaustion I wanted to try soul therapy for my self…
It’s simple and easy to make.


Here’s what I did…
-First mix the following to make a clay foot mask:
2 tbsp Bentonite Clay
2 tbsp
Apple Cider Vinegar

💛 I love to add Bentonite Clay, it’s sooooo beneficial to the body in several ways, I use it on my face and body too as clay masks but you can even brush your teeth using the powder on a wet tooth brush and clean your silver jewellery with it too!!!
Bentonite Clay is very unique due to its ability to produce an “electrical charge” when hydrated. It absorbs and removes toxins, impurities, and even chemicals in the body! Wow!

So, next add hot (almost boiling) water into a bowl for the foot soak with 1/2 cup Epsom Salts and add
some essential oils (optional)…
My favourite essential oils are lavender, patchouli, geranium and frankincense, as they are soothing and detoxifying, plus the smell are amazing💛 jobe also wanted to add rose petals and was busy peeling his orange.

Spread the clay all over your feet… My little boy wanted to do the foot ritual with me, he loves getting messy😊 wait until it drys and starts to crack.



once the clay is dry Just soak your feet in the Epsom Salt bath for at least 30 to 40 minutes. Enjoy the relaxation with a good read, and a cup of tea…but this time I skipped that and had snuggles with jobe instead and put him back to bed.

Don’t forget to moisturise your feet after…We love Dr Bronners Magic Organic Baby Body Balm. Then tuck them up in some thick warm socks!💙


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